Mike Fields

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A Little Bit About Me:

I was born within the sound of Bow Bells, on the last Square Root Day of the 20th Century. It was recorded that at the very moment of my birth a Cockerel crowed and lightening struck, somewhere.

I am a collector of comics, perusor of literature, rider of bikes, cruiser of longboards, manager of risk, traveller of the world, hablante de español, gatherer of art, seeker of information, reciter of jokes, devourer of tacos, cooker of shakshukas, adherent of meditation, supporter of Spurs, fancier of cats, consumer of ice cream, imbiber of gin and ruminator of the other stuff.

I have been a Financial Risk Manager for 7 years with other roles in Finance 5 years before that. Systems and logic fascinate me. I am a Full Stack Developer bringing HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, NodeJS, React, Redux, SQL, mongoDB, Firebase, Gulp, Docker, Python and Agile methodology to your organization, along with my indepth knowledge of financial products and process.

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